Events Page

Bayport Lodge #249

Regular lodge meeting mights are the 3rd Thursday of the month.

Regular lodge meeting months are from Septeber through to May, no winter break

Refreshment is held after each meeting in the banquet room

Official Visit of the DDGM is held the 3rd Thursday of April.

Banquet is held before the Official Visit commences

Refreshment is also held after the Official Visit in the banquet room

Installation of Officers is held the 3rd Thursday of November.

Banquet is held before the Official Visit commences

Refreshment is also held after the Official Visit in the banquet room

Second Thursday in August

5130 Elliott Sideroad just outside of Midland in beautiful Tay Township

The crossroad is "Old Fort Road" which runs south of Highway 12 and just east of the Martyrs Shrine.